• Spain

Enterprise-University of Zaragoza Foundation (FEUZ)


Enterprise-University of Zaragoza Foundation (FEUZ), founded in 1984 by the Universitiy of Zaragoza and the Chamber of Commerce of Zaragoza, is a NGO which links the relationships between University and Enterprises. The organization develops different training programmes and courses in co-operation with social agents and other Institutions such as Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Aragón Regional Government, National Employment Agency, Enterprises, Associations, etc. and also within the framework of the European Social Fund.

Its primary mission is to bridge the gap between the university and the business sector, promoting initiatives that contribute to economic development, education, and employment in the Aragon region.

The main objectives are:

  • contributing to the identification of training needs and resolving them in liaison with relevant bodies in this field.
  • identifying and providing key competences, including basic and transversal skills and offering courses with innovative content.
  • assisting and facilitating the development and exploitation of projects within the different programmes of the EU.
  • strengthening cooperation and interregional transfer between European countries in the development of initial and continuing training for the needs of technologies, their application and transfer.
  • developing links in the form of transnational sector networks bringing together projects from the various EC programmes in the same area of training.
  • promoting and coordinating students’ transnational placements, mainly within the ERASMUS+ programme, since 1991 (COMETT program).

FEUZ engages in a wide range of activities, including but not limited to:

  • Financial Literacy Programs: Offering workshops, seminars, and online resources to enhance financial knowledge and skills among individuals, empowering them for better financial decision-making.
  • Career Development Initiatives: Organizing job fairs, career counseling sessions, and networking events to connect students and professionals with potential employers, thereby facilitating employment opportunities.
  • Business and University Collaboration: Facilitating partnerships between businesses and the academic community, fostering research projects, internships, and collaborative ventures that benefit both sectors.
  • Entrepreneurship Support: Providing resources, mentorship, and training programs to encourage entrepreneurship among students and aspiring business professionals.
  • Community Outreach: Collaborating with schools, community centers, and social organizations to ensure that the benefits of education and economic opportunities are accessible to diverse populations.

FEUZ’s areas of activity encompass education, employment, entrepreneurship, and community development, making it a key player in enhancing the socio-economic landscape of the region.

FEUZ belongs to the Spanish Net of University-Enterprise Foundations (Red FUE) as well as to the European net D-LEARN (European Digital Learning Network). The permanent staff consist of 10 people but we conunt with the human capital of the University of Zaragoza and the Chamber of Commerce of Zaragoza.


FEUZ is at the forefront of initiatives aimed at promoting financial literacy to elevate awareness and employment prospects within the community. Through a diverse set of activities, FEUZ is actively working to equip individuals with the essential skills needed to navigate the financial landscape.

FEUZ conducts regular workshops and seminars that cover key financial topics, including budgeting, savings, and investment strategies. These interactive sessions empower participants with practical knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of financial principles and encouraging responsible financial behavior.

Collaborating with local businesses, FEUZ organizes career development programs and job placement events. By facilitating connections between individuals and potential employers, FEUZ actively contributes to reducing unemployment rates and creating avenues for professional growth.

In recognition of the evolving digital landscape, FEUZ embraces technology to enhance financial education. Online platforms, webinars, and digital resources ensure that individuals can access valuable financial literacy content at their convenience, fostering a culture of continuous learning.

Almost 1000 graduates have participated in the internship program organised by FEUZ throughout 2023, of which 66% of them secured employment contracts just after completing their internships. This immediate job placement rate has surpassed the high rates already achieved in previous editions, demonstrating FEUZ’s constant positive contribution to the employability of university graduates and the retention of talent in our region.

FEUZ is committed to inclusivity, reaching out to diverse communities through targeted outreach programs. By partnering with schools, community centers, and social organizations, FEUZ ensures that financial education is accessible to all, with a particular focus on underserved populations and in promoting sustainability.


Isabel Nuez

Holding a PhD in education, she is an economist and has two master’s degrees in Digital Marketing and Business Administration, with almost 30 years of experience as a trainer and international project manager. She speaks 4 languages and is a part-time lecturer in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Zaragoza, belonging to the Department of Accounting and Finance. University Expert in Organising Congress, Fairs and Exhibitions, she has extensive experience in the field of Education and Training, mainly in e-learning methods and digital inclusion. She is the Erasmus+ placements coordinator of Zaragoza University students and recent graduates. She works as counselor regarding digital inclusion and mediation in lifelong career guidance. She has been working for almost 30 years in activities related to European Programs (writing proposals, organising and attending international meetings, acting as coordinator/partner in several projects, delivering interim and final reports, etc.) She is external and independent evaluator of proposals within several EU Educational Programmes. Working for more than 20 years in activities related to Technology Transfer (delivering advice services, dissemination of national programs, activities related to Promotion of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial culture).

Lola Torres

Bachelor in Business Administration, University of Zaragoza (Spain). Bachelor in Business Economics, Hogeschool Zeeland (The Netherlands). Master in Professional Guidance, CEPYME-Aragón y Orfor Consultores (Spain) European Projects co-ordinator, mainly University students and recent graduates mobility in companies, in FEUZ from Sept. 1995 National Quality Management Award 2008 for a European Project for mobility of University students in European companies. The project was developed between June 2006 and May 2008.