- Slovenia
UPI – ljudska univerza Žalec
UPI – ljudska univerza Žalec (UPI Žalec) is a public, non-profit institution for the education and training of adults in the Savinja Valley (Slovenia). It was established in 1975 by six municipalities in Lower Savinja Valley. UPI Žalec provides numerous formal and non-formal education programs as well as guidance and counselling services in adult education. It regularly employs 12 professionals and cooperates with around 80 outsourced teachers and professionals from various fields. Apart from providing education programs for the general adult public, the organisation puts special emphasis on vulnerable groups of learners such as the unemployed, low-qualified women, migrants, and lowqualified adults in general.
The organization closely co-operates with organizations and institutions at the local, regional, and national level (municipalities, employment agencies, universities of third age, libraries, other education centres, local primary schools, local development agency, Slovenian Institute of Adult Education, Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language, NGOs). UPI is a member of the Slovenian Association of Education and Counselling Centres for Adults and the European Network for Digital Education (DLEARN).
Within the mission of providing lifelong learning opportunities there are FOUR PILLARS of organsiation’s activities:
- Department of Formal Education Programs: primary school for adults and secondary vocational programs.
- Department of Non-Formal Education Programs: language courses, computer courses, literacy courses,
national vocational qualification training, integration programs for migrants, dance and aerobics classes, reading club etc. - Guidance and Counselling and Other Learning-Supporting Activities: Centre of Self-directed Learning Centre (since 1996)
2007 – 2013 Lifelong Learning Centre Savinjska (ESF funded) from 2001 Information and Guidance Centre in Adult Education, now Adult Education Counselling Centre Lifelong Learning Week – festival organised every year in May and June Sustainability week 4.
Project Work: we carry out local, regional, and international projects that are co-financed by Erasmus+, European Social Fund, European Fund for Migration as well as by Slovene ministries (Ministry of Education, Science and Sport; Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Interior Affairs).
Quality Assurance: UPI Žalec is certified for ISO 9001
UPI Žalec has 20 years of experience in project work and has worked intensively on international projects in the last nine years. UPI’s team of teachers and pedagogues is experienced in developing teaching and learning materials. Our mission is to constantly improve conditions and opportunities for lifelong learning in the local and regional environment. This includes encouraging different types of literacy, including financial literacy.
UPI-ljudska univerza Žalec is currently involved in the preparation of two national programmes on financial literacy. Its employee Tina Baloh is a member of the national financial literacy development group who is led by the Slovenian Institute of Adult Education. The project is financed by the Slovenian Ministry of Education and the Recovery and Resilience Facility, NextGenerationEU. The Group are preparing the first national financial literacy programmes for adults in Slovenia, one programme for young adults aged 25-35 and one programme for adults aged 55-65. Thne aim of the programmes is to improve financial literacy among Slovenian citizens.
Tina Baloh
Tina Baloh (MA in English and German Language and Literature, University of Ljubljana) has been manager of language courses for 15 years. Apart from that she coordinates UPI’s activities in DLearn network and is involved in preparing Erasmus+ applications and managing Erasmus+ projects as project partner as well as Coordinator. Since 2016 she has worked on the development of numerous teaching materials and education platforms in Erasmus+ projects and is responsible for international cooperation at UPI Zalec. She participated in Erasmus+ FINMAN project. Since April 2023 she is a member of the National development group for the development of national financial literacy programmes. The Group is coordinated by the Slovenian Institute of Adult Education.
Biserka Neuholt Hlastec
Biserka Neuholt Hlastec (MA in journalism, University of Ljubljana) is head of non-formal programmes and has extensive knowledge in computer and digital literacy programs. She closely cooperates with companies and is experienced in project management of big ESF and Erasmus+ projects. Occasionally, she works with NEETs, leads workshops and events. As a former journalist she oversees organisation’s promotion activities and is a quality counsellor.