• Cyprus

A & A Emphasys Interactive Solutions Ltd


Emphasys Centre is operating since 1998 as a highly successful ‘Education, ICT Training (VET), Research and Software Development Centre, approved by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. It was set up with the vision to offer high quality LLL opportunities and digital solutions targeted to the needs of learners of all ages and abilities in order to upgrade their lives, ensure inclusion, access and participation in the digitalized society and the labour market, as per the EU recommendations for digital transformation and green transition for a sustainable future. Emphasys comprises of 4 main departments:

  1. Education & ICT Training Department which offers validated courses at the National and EU level to a wide range of target groups and learners including teachers, VET trainers, youth and social workers, youth, seniors, migrants, SEN etc. It is a successful Erasmus+ KA1 Learning Mobility provider (https://erasmuscoursescyprus.com/ ) offering professional development and upskilling courses on cyberbullying, STEAM, coding, robotics, 3D game design, VR/AR/AI/drones technologies, 3D-Printing, entrepreneurship, climate change, culture, creativity, mental-health, etc.
  2. Research Department which cooperates with an extensive network of partners across Europe for the implementation, management and coordination of research-based projects under a number of EU programmes e.g. Erasmus+, AMIF, AAL, CERV, Horizon. Its strong quality standards have let several of its projects to be awarded as a GOOD PRACTICE by the European Commission.
  3. Software Development Department which develops digital tools such as interactive and inclusive e-learning platforms, serious games-simulations using AR/VR/AI-functionalities used for training, learning and assessment, advanced websites including mapping features, mobile applications and assessment portals.
  4. Strategic Research and Planning Department which is involved in the identification of needs, analysis of EU recommendations for the preparation of proposals. It is also involved in networking, policy-advocacy, external quality evaluation and consultancy services to NGOs, public bodies, private organizations etc.

Staff: Emphasys is adequately staffed by committed and highly qualified professionals, both researchers and trainers, with extensive experience and complementary expertise covering a wide range of areas such as Computer Science, Business, Environmental education, Psychology, Sociology, Graphic Design, Architecture, Languages (French, Spanish), Human Rights, SEN etc.

Facilities and equipment: Emphasys is fully equipped with top of the range technology such as interactive boards, 75 ins flat screen TVs, gaming laptops, tablets, Virtual Reality, Craftbot+ 3D Printers and Scanners, engraving tools, drones accompanied with AI-tools, 360o camera, robots etc. Apart from the STEAM and training labs, and the hybrid conference rooms, Emphasys has a high-tech professional Recording Studio for podcasts, webinars and web radio activities, video editing etc.

Policies: As part of its Social Corporate Responsibility Policy Emphasys hosts and co-organises the activities of ‘THE LEARNING HUB’, an innovative initiative acknowledged by the European Commission – Pact for Skills as a good practice offering free upskilling opportunities to vulnerable groups of people. Emphasys adheres to three separate policies related to Child Protection, Gender Equality and Green and Sustainable Operations.

Memberships: Emphasys is an active member of 7 networks with great potential for dissemination the EU Digital Leaning Network (DLEARN), EfVET – the European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training the Brussels-based EU NGO – CONNECT International, the EU Association for Special Needs Providers for people with disabilities (EASPD), the Centre for Research and European Studies (CRES), the Cyprus Computer Society (CCS) and the Pact for Skills initiative of the European Commission.


Emphasys works extensively with, adult educators, VET trainers, professionals specialized in the financial sector, as well as working in the public and private sector offering a wider range of in-service courses for professional development, as well as upskilling pathways for adults and young people. Its clientele includes the UN, Bank of Cyprus, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Defense etc.

Emphasys Centre has large expertise on the design and implementation of innovative and effective learning methodologies as it is an Erasmus+ KA1 Learning Mobility Courses Provider offering a wide range of professional development, upskilling and re-skilling training courses to educators, VET trainers and adult educators in various fields which are constantly updated ranging from digital oriented topics, courses related to the environment, culture, inclusion and entrepreneurship. https://erasmuscoursescyprus.com/courses/build-your-eshop/

Emphasys has extensive experience working on similar projects related to financial literacy and the provision of new methodologies to adult trainers in different sectors which can be used as additional expertise to this project. For example:

Adult Sector:

  • Erasmus+ KA2 – FINMAN – Personal Finance Management Program

Emphasys Centre was one of the partners working on the FINMAN project which is the base of this project. It worked extensively on the development of a training material targeted to adults who wish to develop their financial literacy skills and it was responsible for the development of the project’s platform and the FINMAN game, a 3D Serious Game, which aims to make learning more interactive and engaging. Based on the results collected through FINMAN, Emphasys aims to continue working on financial literacy, sustain the project and its results, expand its expertise and develop an even more innovative and targeted methodology for adult trainers through FINMAN+.

Vet Sector:

  • Erasmus+ KA2-GAMI.FI.RE – Fostering Financial Literacy and Career Readiness through Gamification in Vocational Education

Emphasys is responsible for the digital tools of the project, the platform and the serious game which will be developed with the aim to promote financial literacy and knowledge on this topic to VET students. In addition, it is the leader partner for the pedagogical guidelines to be developed for the upskilling training.

School Sector:

  • Erasmus+ KA2 – PFP- Personal Finance Programme

Emphasys in collaboration with Lancaster University were responsible for the validation of the financial skills acquired by students.


Nicholas Moudouros

Nicholas Moudouros is the Head of Education, ICT Training and Software Development Department. He is an ICT specialist with advanced studies (MSc) in Computer Science and Data Communication Systems in the UK. He has more than 15 years of teaching experience. He is a Certified Trainer of Vocational Training – Level 5 EQF and LEGO Certified Instructor. Nicholas has been involved in the design, implementation and assessment of various professional development courses, as well as tools / applications and has gained great experience working with learners of various ages and abilities. Apart from training, Nicholas is currently involved in the implementation of Erasmus+ projects (KA1 & KA2) and the quality assurance of products and tools being developed within the organisation.

Andry Athanasiou

Andry Athanasiou er finansekspert med stor erfaring inden for regnskab, økonomi og forretningsudvikling. Andry er uddannet fra Aristoteleio University of Thessaloniki Grækenland fra afdelingen for finans- og jurastudier med speciale i finans. Udover den økonomiske kontrol og overvågning af organisationen, er hun som senior projektleder involveret i implementeringen af projekter i voksen- og erhvervsuddannelsessektoren relateret til finansiel forståelse, forretning og iværksætteri.